Mindful Expansion

Experience the Benefits of Meditation in MINUTES...
Not Months or Years

Mindful Expansion features easy-to-implement exercises and strategies to create a healing meditation practice that works for you.

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Do Any of These Sound Like YOU?

  • "I'm stressed out ALL THE TIME and can't seem to find a way to truly relax."
  • "I know I need to take some time for myself, but don't know how or where to start."
  • "I have trouble sleeping at night because I can't get my mind to stop thinking!"
  • ​"I've started diets, exercise programs, and EVERYTHING ELSE, but can't ever seem to stay consistent."

If so, you're definitely not alone!

Hi, my name is Kristie Anne...best selling author, meditative healing expert, and certified BodyTalk practitioner

4 years ago, my husband was diagnosed with Stage IV Pancreatic Cancer, one of the deadliest cancers in the world...and 24 tumors in multiple organs!

Little did I know, it would turn out to be the beginning of our new lives!

This TERRIBLE time in my life turned out to be the catalyst for a NEW way of thinking, living and experiencing life!

His diagnosis was our awakening that there was more to life... more to do than just survive, and it opened our eyes to Meditation and the incredible power of the mind.

We're completely different people now...and a large part of that is because of meditative healing.

I'd love to introduce you or guide you through the next steps of your meditation journey inside of Mindful Expansion.

Join Me On A Journey Of Mindfulness, Healing and Growth!


Mindful Expansion

Your Personal Guide to Meditation and Continued Healing

Here's Everything You'll Get... 

  • 8 video lessons walking you step by step through everything you need in order to prepare for Mindful Expansion with meditation ($197 value)
  • ​A complete breakdown of each video lesson in presentation format ($97 value) 
  • The Mindful Expansion Guided Meditation, where I will be your personal guide each step of the way ($197 value)
  • ​Bonus #1: Meditation Planning Calendar ($27 value)
  • ​Bonus #2: A behind-the-scenes look at MY OWN meditation space ($27 value)
  • ​Bonus #3: Guidance List of Amazing Intentions to Set ($27 value)
  • ​Bonus #4: My top 5 gratitude quotes ($27 value)
  • ​Bonus #5: Podcast Interview with my husband Terri - “Healing Cancer Using Your Mind with Terri Mah” ($27 value)

Total Value: $626

$37 TODAY!

"But how will Mindful Expansion help ME?"

Getting You Started

Understanding WHERE and HOW to start with meditation can be overwhelming. Mindful Expansion makes the process of starting super simple for anyone.

Creating Your Space

I walk you through exactly how to set up your own personal space for meditation and then give you a behind the scenes look at my own meditation space.

Your Routine

In order for meditation to work, it takes practice. Mindful Expansion makes finding your routine easy and fun

Guided Meditation

It can be hard to find a meditation that is right for YOU. Inside Mindful Expansion, you'll get access to "Expand your Mindset", my own personal guided meditation.

Seeing Results

Most Mindful Expansion students start to see results in less than a week! Better sleep and less anxiety are among the many benefits most people start to see.

Lastings Benefits

With meditation, you can start to see results almost immediately, but with consistency and practice, the lasting benefits can be completely life changing!

Do You Want to Feel More Relaxed, Less Anxious, and More at Peace?

If you're like most people, you probably want to start meditating but just don't have the time

Let's be honest... it can take years of dedicated practice before meditation becomes a habit and provides real benefits

The problem is that very few people are willing or able to make this kind of commitment. 

That means they never experience the true power of meditation. And who could blame them? It takes months or even years before anyone notices any significant benefits from regular meditation practice

Mindful Expansion was designed specifically for busy professionals looking for fast results in as little as 10 minutes per day

This incredible guided video program delivers powerful mindfulness training through simple exercises that help you achieve immediate clarity, focus and peace-of-mind anytime anywhere without all the hassle associated with traditional sitting mediation practices. 

After listening to these 5-minute daily lessons for only two weeks, our users reported experiencing dramatic improvements in their ability to manage stress, anxiety & fear.

They also reported improvements in sleep patterns and overall energy.

Here’s Exactly What We'll Cover In The Mindful Expansion Mini-Course

Part 1

Your Meditation Guide

In part 1 of Mindful Expansion, we'll cover everything you need to get started on your meditative healing journey.

What's Included?

  • Welcome & Overview of Mindful Expansion: Learn about the true power of meditation and some of the immediate and lasting benefits meditation can provide.
  • Creating a Meditation Routine: I'll give you my best tips and tricks to get started with and maintain your meditation routine for years to come!
  • Setting Your Space & Intentions: Learn how to create a healing meditation space inside your home (or outside if you prefer), and come with me as I show you my own personal meditation space.

Part 2

Expanding Your Mindset

In part 2 of Mindful Expansion, we'll dive deep into the fundamentals of breathing and meditation and go through our first guided meditation TOGETHER

What's Included?

  • Breathwork & Meditation: Learn the key fundamentals to breathing properly during meditation, and how the two work together to achieve lasting benefits.
  • The Importance of Gratitude: I'll share my story of how leading with gratitude has completely changed the person I am today...and then show you how to do the same for yourself!
  • Expand Your Mindset Guided Meditation: To complete the course, I will lead you on a meditative journey using my own guided meditation,  called Expand Your Mindset.

When you're finished with Mindful Expansion, you'll know exactly how to...


Open your mind to the power of meditation and begin to welcome the immediate and lasting benefits it can provide.


Create a daily routine and meditation space that will allow you to quickly and easily make meditation part of your everyday life.


Use the basic fundamentals of breathwork and meditation in a way that isn't over complicated or frustrating...no matter what experience you have.


Expand your mind through the power of gratitude, manifestation, and affirmation using the Expand Your Mindset guided meditation.


Form a healing meditation routine that can be used daily to improve sleep, reduce stress & anxiety, and achieve an improved state of holistic health in your life.
Get Instant Access to Mindful Expansion

When you're finished with Mindful Expansion, you'll know exactly how to...


Open your mind to the power of meditation and begin to welcome the immediate and lasting benefits it can provide.


Create a daily routine and meditation space that will allow you to quickly and easily make meditation part of your everyday life.


Use the basic fundamentals of breathwork and meditation in a way that isn't over complicated or frustrating...no matter what experience you have.


Expand your mind through the power of gratitude, manifestation, and affirmation using the Expand Your Mindset guided meditation.


Form a healing meditation routine that can be used daily to improve sleep, reduce stress & anxiety, and achieve an improved state of holistic health in your life.
Get Instant Access to Mindful Expansion

Let Mindful Expansion Be Your Guide to Meditation and Continued Healing

Whether you have experience or are brand new to meditation, Mindful Expansion will help you create a stress-free meditation routine that promotes continued healing and expands your mindset.

Both Terri and I have been using meditation for the past several years, and now I'd like to share my own routine and guided meditation with you.

Inside Mindful Expansion, I outline step-by-step instructions on how to set up to meditate, and also include the meditation itself, “Expand your Mindset - For a New Life.”

Mindful Expansion will give you the tools you need to overcome obstacles you are facing, reduce anxiety in your life, and step into the light of being your fabulous authentic self.
Whether you have experience or are brand new to meditation, Mindful Expansion will help you create a stress-free meditation routine that promotes continued healing and expands your mindset.

Both Terri and I have been using meditation for the past several years, and now I'd like to share my own routine and guided meditation with you.

Inside Mindful Expansion, I outline step-by-step instructions on how to set up to meditate, and also include the meditation itself, “Expand your Mindset - For a New Life.”

Mindful Expansion will give you the tools you need to overcome obstacles you are facing, reduce anxiety in your life, and step into the light of being your fabulous authentic self.

Mindful Expansion

Your Personal Guide to Meditation and Continued Healing

Here's Everything You'll Get... 

  • 8 video lessons walking you step by step through everything you need in order to prepare for Mindful Expansion with meditation ($197 value)
  • ​A complete breakdown of each video lesson in presentation format ($97 value) 
  • The Mindful Expansion Guided Meditation, where I will be your personal guide each step of the way ($197 value)
  • ​Bonus #1: Meditation Planning Calendar ($27 value)
  • ​Bonus #2: A behind-the-scenes look at MY OWN meditation space ($27 value)
  • ​Bonus #3: Guidance List of Amazing Intentions to Set ($27 value)
  • ​Bonus #4: My top 5 gratitude quotes ($27 value)
  • ​Bonus #5: Podcast Interview with my husband Terri - “Healing Cancer Using Your Mind with Terri Mah” ($27 value)

Total Value: $626

$37 TODAY!

Frequently Asked Questions

I've never meditated before. Will this work for me?
YES! Mindful Expansion was designed with beginners in mind, but can work for any level of skill.
Can I access the lessons on my phone?
Yes, the lessons can be accessed by phone, tablet, or computer. 

All of the lessons will be organized in a convenient membership area you can access from anywhere.
How is this different than all the other meditation courses out there?
Mindful Expansion is meant to be easy to use, quick to implement, and you'll be able to see results almost immediately.

Unlike other courses, I walk you through every step of the way AND provide a guided meditation you can use daily.
What if I need more help?
You can contact me DIRECTLY at any time at kam@kristieannemah.com and I'd be happy to help!
© All Rights Reserved | Kristie Anne Mah
Results not guaranteed. Any of the content here is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.